Category Archives: Canadian Armed Forces

Remembrance Day 2018 ~

Canada’s Hundred Days and the Armistice 100th anniversary – 1918-2018 Go to this link for some interesting facts ~ This blog is in memory of my Dad fondly remembered as TIB, Tommy or Ian.  Who at this time of year I think of a little more often.  My Dad was accepted into the Canadian […]

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Lest We Forget ~

I am an Army brat. This blog is to thank our Service Men & Women for keeping our Country Canada ~ True North Strong & Free ~ some of the photos below are relatives of mine past and present who served in different theatres of War & Peace keeping ~

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Lest We Forget ~

  Freedom is Never Free On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, Canadians are asked to pause in memory of the thousands of men and women who have sacrificed their lives in military service. These photos are my family members who served in the Forces in different Theatres of War […]

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Red Friday 100 Mile House ~

  Red Friday in Canada  People in Canada have worn red on Fridays to show support for troops serving in the Canadian Forces. Red is chosen because it is an official Canadian color, and historically is a color of remembrance because it symbolizes the red poppies in Flanders Fields and the loss of life that the country has endured. Many […]

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Remembrance Day ~ Lest We Forget

    I think of my Dad often since he passed away.  But Remembrance Day is the day I feel his presence the most.  Dad served in the Korean War.  My brothers were also in the Armed Forces.  Many of my relatives  served in different theatres of war and peacekeeping ~ this is in Remembrance […]

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