Category Archives: Cariboo Photography

Fall in bloom ~

My second favorite season ~ Fall   please visit …

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Easter Sunday ~ Weekend

What a beautiful day it was in the Interior today ~ I went and saw my beauty Grandboys this morning and on my way home I took my time and explored different parts of the country between Ashcroft and 100 Mile House ~ I hope you enjoy these shots I took ~ Happy Easter ! […]

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Darin ~ Babe ~ Cashtin ~ Cimarone~

I had the pleasure of photographing this family from Ashcroft yesterday in Ashcroft.  My grandson goes to school with these two little boys Cashtin & Cimarone who are Babe & Darin’s cute  boys (twins) and are Shawny’s cousins .  It was a fun shoot ~  beauty location ~ High five’s all round ~

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Deanna ~

Deanna Oenema AMP Mortgage Broker   Deanna is an Accredited Mortgage Professional (AMP) and has been working in the Invis Oenema Office since 2002. Prior to that, she worked in the finance industry in 100 Mile House for over 12 years.  Deanna thrives on good customer service and has an extensive knowledge of all of […]

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