Monthly Archives: May 2013


Did you know crows worm ?  Here they are in our yard doing that very thing… After Al has brushed our dog in the field … you should see the crows collecting the hair for their nests etc… They are really intelligent birds. I like them .  Maybe not so much when they pick in […]

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Festival of the Arts ’13 ~

100 Mile House has so many talented young performers.  I had the pleasure of photographing them with their awards once again this year .  Here are a few of the award winners. for more info on the 100 Mile Performing Arts please visit …

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Jessi & Sam’s “Full Marathon” ~ 42.2 K

Jessi & Sam  have been training faithfully for the last 7 months plus for their first full marathon.  They have stuck to their guns to make their dream a reality.  I am especially proud of our daughter Jessi whose perseverance is something to be admired.  I tell ya’ I was tired just watching all those […]

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